About Synergy Software Systems

Synergy Software Systems was formally registered as a UAE company in 1991. It was amazing when we realized just how big was the gap. We quickly became known as a niche solutions provider that delivered better, and more complete IT solutions, than the traditional consulting corporations, and repeatedly did on time on budget. We’ve succeeded by providing a unique and comprehensive suite of services to companies that range from aggressive start-ups to the leading International Corporations. Our aim is simply to deliver the best and most appropriate global solutions to local companies.
Most important is our custom-fit policy. Rather than force-feeding your company an expensive cookie-cutter plan, we want to be an honest, flexible, impartial and innovative partner committed to provide you the right information technology solution at the right time to keep your business thriving.
Synergy has over 200 customers, most leaders in their sector. We operate across the Middle East with sales offices in several countries. Synergy prides itself on its team of over 70 professionally qualified consultants.
Synergy is broadly divided into 4 major operating divisions :

- Enterprise Management Solutions (EMS).
- Security and Access Control Systems.
- Software Integration and Workflow Projects.
- Mobile Solutions.
Synergy Software Systems implements leading solutions, that cater to the individual requirements of organizations, and there by improve productivity and maximize resources to ehnace profits while maintaining customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Synergy Software Systems Professional Services provides support to implement successful solutions. Our certified team of professionals has over 100+ man years of implementing diverse solutions, and our services are delivered to certified industry standard methodologies, with additional Synergy tools and QA processes, across 200 organizations in the Middle East.

Ensure that our clients get maximum return on their investment and maintain their competitive edge by helping them evolve their chosen business solutions to reflect their changing business needs.
Employ a team of business and technical professionals with high academic qualifications that is supported with extensive domain knowledge.