Synergy Software Systems SERVICES OVERVIEW

Synergy's Customers are major companies that demand professional service. Our Professional Business Consulting Service team provides them with the guidance, and project management expertise to consistently, and rapidly implement successful solutions.

Our Certified team of Professionals have over 200+ man years of implementing diverse solutions, and our services are delivered to industry standard methodologies across more than 150 organisations in the Middle East.

Services offered by Synergy Software Systems:

  • Architecting Business Solution.
  • Requirement Scoping Study.
  • Migration and Conversion.
  • Integration Services.
  • Web / Internet Solutions and Services.
  • Project Management, Product Implementation, Training and Support.
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Synergy Professional Business Consulting Services Industry Specialists Recommend Cost Effective Solutions. To maximize your return on investment, and identify and help to implement key business process improvements that bring proven benefits to our customers.

Implementations are delivered in a timely and effective manner using industry standard methodologies with full transfer of knowledge to the end users of the applications.
Our Skill Sets Include:
International Project Managers, Industry Specialists, Product Specialists and Technology Specialists who are both Professionally Qualified and Application Certified.

The Team
Our senior and middle management team has extensive experience that has been gained from working across the Middle East and internationally in Europe and North America.
Our business consulting team is a group of individuals highly qualified to MBA or CPA and with domain knowledge in the business solution they are responsible for. Our technical team members are Microsoft and Oracle Certified Engineers.

Our Construction team consists of Civil Engineers with industry knowledge.

The Service
The help desk is governed by Service level agreements (SLA) that are mutually agreed and A clearly spells out the response process and and resolution times to a query and the escalation levels.

The customer can sign into standard, gold and platinum levels of SLA's.