Remove formatting

February 3rd, 2010 by Leave a reply »

A useful keyboard shortcut for Microsoft programs like Word, Outlook, etc
When you cut, copy & paste text from a web page into an email message or a Word document, the associated formatting styles also get copied along with the text.
If you like to clear this formatting, just select the text again and press Ctrl key followed by space bar. The selection is converted into plain text without requiring any macros and It kills hyperlinks –and still the font and the font size remain
In Word 2007 hit the Office button in the top left corner. select “word options” (bottom right) select the “advanced” menu option in the left column there is a whole section “cut, copy, and paste” to make the changes – you can also change your default file location here

I believe Ctrl + Space actually restores the underlying paragraph formatting; it doesn’t change text to plain. That is what happens in Word 2002/2003 at least. For example, if you have a Heading 1 where you’ve changed it to red underlined italic for example (not in the styles but directly in the document) Ctrl + Space will reset to the heading 1 style so its bit more subtle than it seems.


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