The chips are down

February 14th, 2010 by Leave a reply »

Intel, IBM, Sun, AMD, and other chipmakers will disclose future processor designs at this year’s International Solid State Circuits Conference that range from single-core to 48 core processors e.g Intel’s experimental 48-core processor, the Single-Chip Cloud Computer (SCCC) and Intel will launch its long, long, long-delayed “Tukwila” Itanium processor on Monday, a 65nm, 2,000,000,000-transistor monster that was behind schedule and IBM’s big POWER7 unveiling, where the company will offer a session on its 8-core, 32-thread server processor and a 64-thread simultaneous multi-threaded processor that uses architecture and implementation techniques to achieve high throughput at low power. Included are static VDD scaling, multi-voltage design, clock gating, multiple VT devices, dynamic thermal control, eDRAM and low-voltage circuit design.


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