Save time and money, improve customer service, enhance your image and marketing, slash report developement and systme upgrade costs – yes really!
LaserNet is a suite of document and output management solutions. Each element tightly integrates with your existing IT applications to support the migration from labour and paper intensive systems to cost effective, faster e-enabled document processing.
The LaserNet Server is the backbone of the LaserNet output and document management product suite. The LaserNet Server tightly integrates with all common business applications to offer and support faster document and data processing.
Communication Module
The LaserNet Communication Module is designed to integrate with common mail applications and Microsoft Fax Services. Apart from that it also offers support for HTTP, FTP, FTP/S, HTTP/S as well as MSMQ (Microsoft Message Queuing). A brief introduction to the various opportunities can be found below.
Conversion Module
The LaserNet Conversion Module converts data and documents from any given format to another preferred format. Typically, it is used to convert an incoming format like text or XML into a more common and human readable format like PDF, PDF/A, Tiff, JPEG, RTF or HTML.
XML Input
The LaserNet XML Input Module is capable of receiving and processing any XML format generated from any system. The module takes away the complexity of working with XML based technologies through an intuitive and graphical user interface as well as a rich variety of editing options.
XML Output
The LaserNet XML Output Module helps you to create advanced XML output files. The user of the software deploys the same intelligent and flexible editing features, as when working with graphical output like forms.
Database Module
LaserNet supports any ODBC/OLE DB compliant database for storing data as documents, files in PDF, XML etc., or for storing parts of data that may be used when working with other forms or systems.
File Module
Any information or document can be stored into a shared folder on a network. The file can be named intelligently on behalf of information from the data stream (invoice number.PDF).
The LaserNet Supervisor ensures a proactive and fast alert service in case of errors or disturbances in the LaserNet Server.
Converting application data into business documents can take days of complex, expensive programming. With LaserNet’s click & point interface, it takes only a few hours, and changes take just minutes, saving your organization costly programming and time.
LaserNet OptiDoc for Dynamics AX
If your company employs Dynamics AX as your ERP system, LaserNet OptiDoc for Dynamics AX is a flexible and effective work tool especially designed for you.
LaserNet PDF/Excel Input Module
LaserNet Graph Module
LaserNet SAP Connector
The LaserNet SAP Connector functions as an add-on module to SAP, which makes document design, handling and distribution of business documents from SAP with LaserNet a much easier task than before.