Bogus Microsoft support calls – beware

October 23rd, 2010 by Leave a reply »

While in the UK at the end of the summer I received a telephone call from someone claiming to be from Microsoft support who had identified some issue  remotely on my system and wanted me to start entering  commands into my system  under his direction. Having many times experienced the difficulty of getting Microsoft support for real issues this sounded highly implausible and I told the caller what to do with his support.

It seems others have been plagued with such calls see Andrew Fryer’s reliable blog and his opening advice:

  • You don’t give your car keys or house keys to strangers. 
  • You only trust certain friends and family to look after your young children while you go out for dinner. 
  • You only let people fiddle with your computer you trust.

…there are increasing reports of unsolicited calls offering technical support some of whom pretend they are working for Microsoft.  These are not going to be from Microsoft, ….

to read the rest go to:


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