Archive for October, 2010

Location Based Management Systems

October 20th, 2010

When you work wiht multipel subcontract tradesmen for e.g. brickwork, plastering, painting, window frame isntall, glazing etc is it better to finish one room and then start the next, or to finish one task across all rooms and then start the next?

When each task works at a different rate how do you balance the team sizes to decide whether one taks needs multiple teams working  on several rooms simultaneoulsy

How much does location influence the crtical path, float, and optimum resourcing?

How much time and money is lost if no work is happening in room 2 because the tradesman is till working on room 1?

How Owners Benefit from Location-Based Management Systems (LBMS)

Scheduling methods often fall short because they do not transparently show (1) that all possible ways to compress the schedule have been used in the contractor’s schedule nor (2) how risky is the schedule

 During production project engineers monitor the critical path and floatand  compress durations on the critical pathbut often this is done  with good intention but without any realistic plan to achieve this compression, nor with timely  analysis and  coordination with supply chain, resource planning  and sub contractor ability to deliver.

When project durations are  based on a detailed understanding of the scope or resources needed, this manipulation does notadd more value to management and is often pointless.  ‘We are delayed now but we will take some (undefined) catch up action later’. Problems get pushed to the end of the project and there is wishful thinking about the ability to catch up schedules.

 Actual Production progress should give early warning signals to Owners and CM’s that  something must be done to restore production. All control actions should be explicable in detail with quantities, resources, and production rates instead of just best guess, changing durations.

 LBMS before the Start of Construction
Optimized production rates are used in the buy-out of subcontractors, and  it is extremely difficult and costly to change the total duration after subcontractors are bought out. Therefore, schedule optimization and compression should happen before buy-out.

 It is extremely important that work is planned to be continuous. Cascading delays during production happen because of discontinuous work -the  starts and stops of subcontractors. Every discontinuity increases the probability that the schedule will not be executed as planned.  Subcontractors  balance their own work to their convenience when the GC, or CM cannot show that the plan is already balanced.

 Owners need to see  these deliverables for each major design release:

  • Resource-loaded schedules with continuous flow
  • Explanations for any discontinuous work patterns
  • Clear identification of bottleneck trades by General Contractor or CM
  • Detailed explanation of why those bottlenecks cannot be accelerated
  • Risk analysis of the schedule showing the risky areas and the   probability of completing each major milestone
  • Cash flow

 LBMS during Construction
During construction, use the schedule as an early warning system.

  • Track completed locations, to easily calculated the total quantity of work-in-place
  • Report of total manpower on site daily to calculate actual productivity and actual production rates.
  • Use those rates to forecast progress and to identify problems much earlier than in CPM systems.

 Include the following items in the Owner’s Weekly and Monthly reports  :

  • Comparison of completed tasks and locations to plan
  • Explanations for not implementing continuous work as planned
  • Schedule forecast before control actions (when everything continues on the same production rate)
  • Schedule forecast after control actions, and documentation of those control actions (for example, adding 5 carpenters to the drywall crew,  working on Saturdays, 2-shift work for selected tasks, etc.)
  • Problem tasks where production rate is < 80% of planned
  • Percentage of production completed compared to the plan (for the  whole project and each major construction phase, such as foundations)
  • Resource forecast for the next month for each main subcontractor to  reveal unrealistic resource assumption
  • Updated cash flow forecast based on schedule forecast


Parallel LBMS and CPM
Trying to run parallel schedules in a project generally does not work well. CPM schedules traditionally work only as Owner reporting tools and have limited relevance in the field. The information content of a typical CPM schedule is extremely limited,  lacking quantities and resources and show only tasks and durations without revealing the location, manpower and quantity assumptions behind the duration estimates.

Critical path and float are then faulty because they do not consider the requirement to have continuous, balanced flow of resources through the project. Only continuous workflow makes it possible to forecast production and give early warnings of problems.

Schedule optimization using location-based planning typically results in 10-15% compression –  without either the need for additional resources, orfor  increase in risk levels. This compression is achieved so that most of the tasks in the project have continuous flow. All optimization is theoretical unless the schedule is actually followed on-site and parallel schedules undermines this goal unless the schedules exactly match.

Location-based scheduling typically results in better quality, optimized, resource-based schedules in only  70% of the time required to build a CPM schedule.

 To optimize a schedule from scratch takes about 50% of the time of converting a CPM schedule to LBMS and using that as the starting point of optimization. All of these facts speak to abandoning the practice of running parallel schedules.

 CPM is included in LBMS, but only about 20% of LBMS information content is included in CPM (specifically logic layer 5: random CPM links).

Microsoft Dynamics AX dashboard – certified by Global Reporting Initiative (GRI),

October 19th, 2010

The Environmental Sustainability Dashboard for Microsoft Dynamics AX has been certified by Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), which verifies that the reporting of GRI content within the dashboard is compliant with the GRI standards.

This recognition makes the Dashboard one of only four software applications and the only midmarket ERP solution with the GRI certification in the software applications category to date.

Get zapped!

October 19th, 2010

 See the award winning zap BI for Microsoft Dynamics – presented by Kevin Tan, a senior BI specialist from zap, with experience of many implementations.

14:00 – 14.30 Wednesday 20 October 2010

Synergy Software Systems offices 303 – 305 Al Khaleej Building, Karama

• Rapid implementation • Low cost • Multi-features  – multi award Microsoft Certified, multi award winning, BI tool Call: Bikram to confirm your place; 0097143365589 0097150 4580576

Construction – hard bids

October 14th, 2010

  The AGC SmartBrief contained an article revealing the very stark reality of hard bids in the Las Vegas construction market. Las Vegas isn’t the only market hit hard by the economic downturn, but it exemplifies the boom and bust of commercial construction.

 • Here are the statistics revealed in the article:
• Bid value is down 40%
• 15-20 bidders per project
• Gap between high and low bids is 40%
• Bidders are coming in from out-of-state

 In a hard bid scenario it’s the lowest bid that wins. The Owner gets a great price from the bidders: a price as much as 30% below projected cost, or as an article about the Las Vegas market indicates, 40%.

Experienced Owners know that these hard bids come with hidden costs including change orders, delays, and claims that end up costing them additional money. Even if those extra charges were to add 20% to the cost of the winning hard bid the owner has still realized a 10+% saving over the original projected cost.

 Hard bids have become the de facto bidding process

  In an environment where there are smaller projects with plenty of bidders, it’s imperative that you remain competitive on your fees and general conditions. How ? At-risk General Conditions are typically 7-11% and getting skinnierby the day  in this economy. In a hard bid, when your schedule extends by even one month, you’ pay the whole expense out of that 7-11%.Can General Contractors master the schedule, even in hard bid conditions?

 Vico Control can help you to bid a shorter schedule, as well as to manage and to meet that tighter schedule. Vico Control also allows you to vet the credibility of the bids from subs with whom you’ll be sharing the risk. The software and methodology gives you a much clearer, farther-forward-look at the project so that you and your team can make early adjustments. Gain the ability to do ‘what-if scenarios’ and strategize how you will bid the job: and better understand how to attack the project and prepare a more competitive price based on schedule control.

It’s counter-intuitive to think that a tighter schedule mitigates risk yet a quantities-driven, location-based, and resource-balanced scheduling solution will give you a competitive advantage. 

  • You want to develop hard bid strategies quickly, but might not have time to develop a BIM;
  • You know you’ll discover change orders during the project, but you want to find them sooner (and cost them competitively);
  • You understand that construction-caliber quantities drive a more precise schedule and estimate – you just haven’t seen it in action;
  • You want to protect your fee and believe that 4D and 5D BIM done right will mitigate project risk.

  Cost planning allows you to build multiple iterations of the estimate linked to the model progression specification so that every change can be costed, not only in terms of dollar value but also schedule flux.Calculate the cost of the project at a very high level of detail for the parts that are high risk, and leave it at a lower level of detail for those parts that you are subbing out. Use the model’s visual feedback to determine whether you included everything in your cost plan. When an area or element is not highlighted, then it’s not in the cost plan!

RFIs turn into Change Orders which greatly impact the duration and cost of your project. Manage the coordination process to iron out constructability and scheduling issues earlier rather than later. 

 Best practices illustrate that you should also have a BIM database of cost and time elements? This knowledge base permits you to build resource-loaded schedules and cost-loaded estimates. But the question remains: Do you build it or buy it? Communicate the calculated price to management, showing how the bid was developed from the baseline cost plan. This tactic is also useful if the owner allows an open book proposal.

 In the end, it’s all about building trust with the Owner by working in concert, adding value every step of the way. Do it right the first time . Using BIM even in hard-bid situations permits and even encourages this collaborative approach.

Windows phone 7

October 12th, 2010

As predicted in our blog Windows Phone 7 launched today in New York City

See CNET’s recording of Ina Fried;s conversation with Steve Ballmer who talked about the top features in WP7, competition with iPhone and Android, the future of smartphones

A simple, button-based home screen using “Live Tiles” t can be customized. The OS tries to mix the ease of use of the iPhone with the customization abilities of Android. Look like Android smartphones, but the UI for Windows Phone 7,  resembles Zune .

  • Windows Phone “hubs” in the UI — Office, People, Pictures, Music, Games
  • Deep Microsoft Office integration
  • Built-in OneNote experience for mobile note-taking
  • SharePoint integration for corporate documents
  • Extensive maps and local information
  • One button voice search (using Tellme for voice recognition)
  • Instant camera access from sleep mode by just touching the camera button
  • An option for automatic web uploads of any photos that you take
  • Integrated photo album not only shows the photos you’ve taken on your phone but also photos from your PC and Facebook
  • Integration with Zune for music and Xbox Live for gaming
  • Electronic Arts (EA) will be a launch partner for games, including Tetris, Sims, and Need for Speed
  • Unlike Android, software update will be controlled by Microsoft and will go out to all phones simultaneously on all carriers.
  • Cut-and-paste, available as an update in early 2011

 Will it be enough? Is it too late?

Two new studies have raised concerns about the transmission of private data by some iPhone and Android apps which may help Microsoft and the android phones have some issues with fragmentation. but have  a huge lead in marketing. so Microsoft needs to leverage integration to Office and SharePoint and Unified commnunication to get an edge

Factors to consider when choosing your next smart phone.

  • Hardware design and features
  • Manufacturer brand name
  • Network technology – GSM, CDMA, 4G
  • Operating system and interface
  • Included/available software
  • Other available apps
  • Wireless carrier
  • Cost
  • Security record
  • How you will use it most of the time -what really matters.
  • Size, weight , portability
  • Future road map for upgrade




Cloud survey

October 12th, 2010

According to a survey of IT professionals worldwide, cloud computing will “overtaking on-premise computing by 2015 as the primary way organizations acquire IT.”

Free webcast – Budget, forecast, consolidate, report

October 12th, 2010

Finance leaders recognize the need to simultaneously manage the key business performance processes of forecasting, budgeting and reporting-

To align these processes  poses a daunting challenge because finance executives rely on a variety of data  sources and need to collate information from multiple budget holders..

Learn ways  to determine priorities, and to reduce the complexity that organizations encounter, when forecasting, budgeting and reporting.

 Find out about tools and techniques that enable your organization to achieve fast  return on investment to execute essential business performance processes.

Register for this free and Forrester Research webcast today to discover the strategies that help the your company succeed.

Webcast: Maximizing the Value of Business Performance Processes
Date: Thursday, October 14, 2010
Time: 2 P.M. (ET); 11 A.M. (PT)
60 minutes
Speakers: Paul D. Hamerman, Vice President Principal Analyst, Forrester Research

Or call us in Dubai for more information or to see a live demonstration 00971 4 3365589

BI for Dynamics- zap -White papers

October 11th, 2010
If you are a Dynmic user cosniderign BI then contact us now- we have a zap workshop running all next week at our offices. 
Meet with zap experts to see how easy it ii to turn your data into meaningful information.
BI is no longer difficult to implement for Dynamics Ax, Nav and CRM customers.
In built wizards from zap make takes away the pains of ETL, cube creation data warehousing etc The result is low cost, rapid implementations, with: dashboards, KPi indicators,  drilldown charts, data slicers and reports.
Ask about our whitepapers for zap BI for Dynamics:

Facebook enhancements

October 9th, 2010

I am internet luddite when it comes to social networking tools, which all too often seem to waste a lot of time and to create additional secruity vulnerabilities . Nonetheless resisting  Facebook is like Canute trying to hold back the waves and it has become a must use daily tool especially for the ‘younger generation ‘, which in my case means just about everybody.

Facebook recently announced features to give users more flexibility with their information, more control over how third parties access their data, and a new way to handle their social groups.

The company announced a new data portability initiative that lets users more easily move their information elsewhere. ; Facebook will allow you to download your wall posts, photos, videos, friend lists, events, and all manner of other details wrapped up in a zip file so that it can be archived or posted somewhere else.

Facebook is rolling out a new app dashboard to show which apps you’re using and what kind of information it accessed about you. This isn’t limited to Facebook apps—it includes the other websites that accessed your information through Facebook Connect. The dashboard can show you every API call made to your profile, and allow you to change permissions over time .

 Facebook also announced a change to how users group their friends. In the past,  only five percent of users categorized their friends into lists but  95 percent of Facebook users have been tagged in a photo, usually by their friends, which led to the idea of ‘friend groups’.

People will be able to add friends to a social group and then have group chats, document editing, and other group features that will be isolated from users’ main Facebook walls. If you don’t want to be part of a group you’ve been added to, though, then you don’t have to be. Zuckerberg said that you can leave a group and you won’t be asked to join it again unless you specifically request it. So, if you want to create a group for your family, a group for your sort-of-friend coworkers, and a group for your old college buddies, you can, and then keep all of those interactions separate.

The whole point of groups is to mirror the social groupings of people in real life,and will not replace friend lists .

Oct 12 ‘Patch Tuesday’ looks massive

October 9th, 2010

The Microsoft Security Response Center, Microsoft will issue 16 Security Bulletins addressing 49 vulnerabilities on Tuesday, October 12. It will also host a webcast to address customer questions on Oct 13th .

Four of the vulnerabilities are rated “Critical,” 10 are marked “Important,” and the last two are classified as “Moderate.” All of the Critical vulnerabilities earned their rating through a remote code execution impact, meaning a hacker could potentially gain control of an infected machine. At least eight of the 16 patches will require a restart.

The list of affected operating systems includes Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, and Windows Server 2008 R2. Microsoft Office XP, Office 2003, Office 2007, and Office 2010 are also being patched, as are the supported Mac versions: Office 2004 and Office 2008. Interestingly, Microsoft Office Web Apps is also included on the list; (for first time ?).

This is the highest number of bulletins Microsoft has ever released in one month, as well as the most vulnerabilities that are being fixed sice the prior record . The last record was just two months ago of 14 bulletins and 34 vulnerabilities