Occupational Health Software is a key aspect of any OH department to meet the manifold demands for service requires easy to use, functional and fully flexible software. Day to day tasks such as diary management, recalls, health surveillance, management referrals are just some of tha many faeatures required. Almost every OH service these days has to provide information and reports: proven cost savings, outcome reports, fit for work information, health surveillance statistics.
Occupational Health, like other industries need automated, paper frer systems. New technology supports:
- online health screening,
- online management referrals,
- voice recognition for clinical note dictation,
- digital pens to write rotes or to sign consent forms ,
- touch screen registration,
- SMS appointment reminders,
- Client service portals allow the client to manage their own health surveillance, see the fit state of employees and to request appointments
OH software is not only for large corporations and government departments. The sole OH provider who runs their own business with multiple clients need software priced withintheir means, without IT infrastructure. The ability to rent a system with all the technology hosted by the OH software company means that the single OH provider can provide their clients with reports/costings/ monthly statistics etc. and also manage their diaries, recall lists and other administrative functions.
A key benefits of an Occupational Health software system is the ability to link policy and procedure documents to the relevant employee record with links to scanned images, GP reports, emails, – all relvant items and information in one place.
The right Occupational Health software system reduces adminstration and cost and will help you generate income. Not only can you prove to your clients/Directors etc. what you are doing, but by linking in a lifestyle assessment system, such as CALM, you can provide an assessment for an employee based on Lifestyle, Nutrition, Stress and then target these areas as room for improvement by initiating a health surveillance programme.
Choosing an Occupational Health system can be a minefield. When you are planning to implement a new system ensure that you are supplied with the information you need and that the system you choose can do what is required . Find out whether it i already working in an environment similar to yours. Cost is an important factor in decision making but initl price is not the only cost factor – ease of use, dependability, strong user group, report production, letter production and diary management are only a few of the features that need to be proven to work correctly.
If a system doesn’t give you what you want then it is not cost effective be clear what is the best for your purpose. Look at the options, look at the system and ‘try before you buy’. Report creation is key – you if it doesn’t produce the reports you require then what is the point of capturing all the information. When choosing a system work backwards! Think of the reports you will be requiring and check whether the system captures that information – if it doesn’t then it is not fit for your purpose.
Ask around and get peoples’ opinions of the systems and obtain a non-biased white paper that has been produced by an individual rather than one of the computer suppliers Talk to someone who has been through the tender process themselves and evaluated all the different systems – they will have some beneficial information and I am sure would be more than happy to share.
Admin/Time Saving
One of Cohort’s most beneficial features is its ability to save you time. Just consider how long it currently takes to perform common tasks such as booking an appointment, producing a list of health surveillance recalls, booking out daily for OHA’s, providing reports to management, or collating a full set of patient records?
Worth adding up the hours involved?
With Cohort’s unique functionality you will be able to dramatically reduce the time these tasks take, and allow more time to be spent on campaigns, problem staff and the business of adding value as a service provider.
‘The move to Cohort from manual processes was simple and welcomed by the staff, who desperately wanted Cohort implemented. It has changed the dynamics of the department for the better and made the occupational health department at Queen’s more modern and efficient. This is a fantastic development for the staff, the trust and our clients.’
Steve Reipond, Manager, Occupational Health, NHS Trust
Synergy Software Systems is working with Tempus Software to offer the extensive features of the popluar Cohort Occupational Software to the region.
150 + Hospitals Using Cohort
Number 1 Provider Within The NHS Becoming No 1 Provider within the Corporate OH Depts
Example Customers : –
150 + Hospitals Using Cohort
Number 1 Provider Within The NHS Becoming No 1 Provider within the Corporate OH Depts
Example Customers : –
British Nuclear Group
Bank of England
European Space Agency
British Transport Police
National Air Traffic Control