Cybercrime fight back

April 1st, 2012 by Leave a reply »

Microsoft  and several partners disrupted several cybercrime rings that used a notorious piece of malicious software called Zeus to steal $100 million over the last five years. A consolidated legal case has been filed against those allegedly responsible uisng the  Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act.

Zeus has disrruopted financial institutions with  stealthy advanced spying capabilities to steal online banking and e-commerce credentials for fraud. Microsoft accused the defendants of infecting more than 13 million computers and stealing more than $100 million over the last five years.

Microsoft has gone to court before to gain permission to take control over domain names associated with the command-and-control infrastructure of botnets like Kelihos, Rustock, and Waledac .

Nonehtelss attackes persists. Today Gulf News reported that the US Secret Service is investigating a major cyber intrusion at an Atlanta-based payment processor that could expose millions of MasterCard, Visa, American Express and Discover cardholders to fraudulent charges  along with banks and other franchises that issue cards bearing their logos. Individual banks and processors said they had not yet determined the full extent of the breach, but the blog Krebs on Security, which first reported the breach, said it was “massive” and could affect more than 10 million cardholders


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