Merger and Acquistion – M@A – Dubai

May 1st, 2012 by Leave a reply »

The recent Middle East M@A Forum 2012 held in Dubai indicates that the market is creeping back to pre recession levels with a threefold increase in deals Q! 2012 compared with Q4 2011. However, deal size is reducing and bank financing is still the norm.

When stock markets are depressed investors may  prefer to sit back and wait better times and valuations.

Market confidence is still cautious and the time and detail needed to close deals is often greater than anticipated.

Secure, streamlined collaborative processes are key to deal conclusion. Over the next few blog posts I will discuss how business systems  support the M@A process.

Sets start with our partner Intralink which was one of the event sponsors.

Deasl are complex, and involve coordinating large amounts of sensitive documents and communication between many   deal participants. IntraLinks Dealspace streamlines multi-party collaboration and content exchange so you can secure financing or liquidate assets faster.

Spend more time closing deals and less time managing paperwork. IntraLinks Dealspace is designed to deliver the most powerful, secure virtual data rooms and related tools to increase your deal’s success throughout the full M&A lifecycle.

You are in the business of doing deals. So why does so much of your time seem to involve organizing documents, making sure bankers have up to date numbers in their models, outside counsel is reviewing the right contracts, and the documents your deal team has are the right versions? Hours spent on administrative details could be hours spent focusing on your deal. Speed and efficiency are critical to the success of a deal, storing information on shared drives and creating and maintaining physical data rooms to support the due diligence process are limiting in the modern global economy and no longer effective in reaching all of your potential buyers.

IntraLinks Dealspace accelerates all phases of the deal cycle to ensure that your deal runs as efficiently and effectively as possible. With IntraLinks Dealspace your team  controls the deal process from sourcing through to closing and post merger integration. Manage the secure and compliant exchange of critical information such as teasers, non-disclosure agreements, and due diligence information and participate in the Q&A process with the peace of mind that your content is secure. IntraLinks Dealspace also supports sourcing of new opportunities within the IntraLinks Dealspace community. With IntraLinks Dealspace, your deal information is available anywhere, anytime, so you can expand your reach to find the right buyer regardless of time zones or geographies. With web-based and mobile access deal participants can exchange and review content on the go ensure the deal stays in motion.

  • Launch deals faster and increase productivity by using IntraLinks Designer to upload, manage, and organize information
  • Reuse deal templates to leverage best practices and get deals up and running faster
  • Manage deal teams and tasks globally with a multi-language user interface
  • Ensure transparency and version control of documents by consolidating information on a single platform
  • Track and report on all activity and information related to a deal to support compliance
  • Secure sensitive deal information with features such as digital rights management capabilities and IntraLinks Viewer for secure document exchange and viewing
  • Provide insight into activity across deals with reporting and dashboard capabilities
  • Respond more effectively to bidder requests with Q&A functionality
  • Avoid or quickly address post deal litigation and disputes with a searchable archive
  • Easily transition key documents of record with integration connectors and adapters between IntraLinks and third party systems such as Microsoft SharePoint


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