Sinofsky leaves Microsoft, McAfee goes on the lam, secret emails bring down chief spy Petraeus
Antivirus pioneer John McAfee a multimillionaire who createda single executable that could scan for and clean multiple computer viruses is a fugitive from justice wanted for murder in his adopted home of Belize, and also accused of manufacturing drugs and consorting with criminals and underage girls, ( feature article on Gizmodo). McAfee first went on the lam in Belize after being accused by local authorities of running a meth lab.
General David Petraeus resigned as CIA chief, brought down by an FBI investigation of emails sent by his secret lover. If the head of the country’s intelligence community and his girlfriend, a former counterintelligence officer, can’t keep their emails private, then…..? “The best way to protect yourself is to simply realize that privacy doesn’t necessarily exist in the electronic world,” said Dan Ring, a spokesman for the security company Sophos. “Simply put, if you don’t want it out there in the world, don’t put it in the electronic world.” emails generally lay out the tracking information — where they originated and what servers they touched along the way.
Steve Sinofsky, the man who fixed the Windows Vista debacle and championed the radical OS overhaul that became Windows 8, left Microsoft suddenly this week.Known for an abrasive style it seems likely that the real reason for his move is ambition likemany other top Microsoft leaders who made the same decision over the last five years, including former CTO Ray Ozzie, Server & Tools chief Bob Muglia, and Business Division leader Jeff Raikes.