Infor’s strategy is working.

December 1st, 2012 by Leave a reply »

ZDNet’s Dennis Howlett has posted his video interview with Infor CEO Charles Phillips, discussing Infor’s three pillars of growth: loosely coupled architecture, deep industry focus, and embedded social functionality. The interview was recorded during the Infor on the Road stop in London last month.

Watch the Howlett-Phillips interview on YouTube:

‘Infor is in the middle of a remarkable transition,” reports software and IT analyst firm Ovum.

 “… it is now inarguable that Infor is a single, integrated ERP vendor and not a group of vendors tied together by a single holding company. Furthermore, the core elements of the ‘new Infor’ appear to be working,” writes senior analyst Somak Roy in a report posted Nov. 23 on

‘Anybody looking at Infor in 2008 would have marveled at the portfolio’s potential and the lack of effort to harness that potential. Infor’s strategy now, however, has all the right components for a vendor in its position, and the results have started to show. …”Infor should be seen as offering the same level of stability (and posing as low a risk) as the largest enterprise software providers. … The combination of industry specificity, contemporary technology and usability, and scale is rare.”


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