September 12th, 2013 by Leave a reply »

ERP Project Recovery

Unfortunately, not all ERP projects go as planned. Indeed the majority still fail as a recent survey comfirms that not much has improved since the same survey last year. The relaity is that the situation may be worse, some users don’t even realise they have a bad system, or have learned to live with it rather than tell mangement it is not quite what they promised.

Synergy is regularly invited to help turn around problem implementations.

Sometimes project scope creeps, the ERP project team decides to customize too much, or the enterprise software vendor or system integrator simply isn’t able to get the job done.

Further, ERP failure can take many forms: from complete operational disruption to a lack of alignment or user buy-in that negatively affects the organization’s return on its ERP investment.

A frequent problem in this expatriate market is labour turnover of both customer and consultant staff, excerbated by short term expediency to offshore work which in the long run proves more expensive when it either has to be redone or no-one is around to support it. There is usually little evidence of documentation, or best practise checking in such cases.

Synergy Software Systems is one of the longest established enterprise solution practises in the region, and bases all its staff in Dubai. We have a low staff turnover relative to the industry and in most cases more senior and better certified consultants. Experienced senior consultants cost more, but they do better quality work in less time, add value and don’t cut corners.

Typical errors we find;

Incorrect set up of server, raid, windows and sql
Code not compiled and not to best practise.
Systems unpatched
Inappropriate configuraiton settings
Inappropriate data structures
Opening balances unreconciled
Duplicate data
Inventory not closed
Month ends not closed
Year ends not closed
Users unaware of basic navigation features, inquiries and reports
Unnecessary customisation
Unused modules
Many unresolved issues
Poor response time
Little use of workflows, alerts, BI
No management of database, table sizes, log files, data retention, etc.

If you need to reboot your projects and to get a firm foundation then give us a call – better still ask our customers about the value such an exercise brings.


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