Windows 10 -wow!

January 24th, 2015 by Leave a reply »

Microsoft lifted the veil on its upcoming Windows 10 operating system. Microsoft: Windows 10 will be free for Windows 8.1 and Windows 7 users for 1 year after launch.
When the software is released later this year across desktops, smartphones, and tablets. Expect numerous changes:
– A modernized Start Menu, better multitasking with Task View, and UI improvements.
– Refreshed and more modern icons
– An Action Center provides instant access to common tasks like enabling or shutting off Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and other settings.
-Notifications are synced across devices, so if you dismiss something on a Windows 10 smartphone or tablet, then it won’t pop up again when you return to your PC.
– Microsoft has refreshed the appearance of settings menus everywhere with a much cleaner, easy-to-understand design.
– A new, Metro-style (and very sleek) Calendar app that’s consistent across PCs, tablets, and phones.
– Photos – weed out duplicates and “clutter” when you’re syncing photos from every device you own. Microsoft’s OneDrive cloud storage ismuch smarter about displaying a “simple view of all your photos.
– A new Photos app will automatically enhance and touch up photos, remove blemishes like red eye and ensure you end up with the right exposure.
– Windows 10 users can also expect new apps for: People, Maps, and Music.
– Microsoft’s personal assistant Cortana provides powerful search and reminder capabilities to Windows 10. . Microsoft says “you’ll see Cortana as never before” In Windows 10, it will serve as the primary search tool for a massive audience of Windows users. Cortana ‘speaks’ with a natural, conversational flow.
– Belfiore launched into the first demonstration of Windows 10 on phones, showing off a new Messages app with Skype integration, a fully-adjustable keyboard, and other improvements.
– Microsoft has all-new, universal apps for Windows 10. First is Outlook, with the Word engine built in for comprehensive styling and extra formatting capabilities no matter from what device you’re checking email. Desktop users can also personalize Outlook with a background image of their choice
– Microsoft is working hard on a new web browser, referred to as Project Spartan. Highlighting something on a page is as simple as circling your finger around it — no Surface pen or stylus required. Using a mouse also works fine; click on any section of a website to type out a comment for sharing with co-workers or friends.
– A new Reading Mode puts articles in a layout that’s easier on your eyes
– Microsoft is also introducing a Reading List that syncs content across phones, tablets, and PCs for later. (Apple has had similar functionality in iOS and OS X for some time now- but what Apple doesn’t have in its browser is Cortana. Microsoft’s personal assistant is everywhere in Project Spartan. She’ll tell you the weather in the URL bar. Visit a restaurant’s website, and Cortana will provide a map, menu information, and contact details should you decide to head there for dinner.)


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