Microsoft announces .com for Enterprise Mobility access to Technet MSDN Etc

May 4th, 2016 by Leave a reply »

Today Microsoft announced the preview release of our new documentation service, showcasing content supporting for Enterprise Mobility products.


In short, content matters. A modern web experience for content.
TechNet and MSDN. are sites are built on a 10-15 year-old brittle codebase with an archaic publishing and deployment system that was never designed to run on the cloud.

So to get the overall experience right Microsoft started from scratch and this preview release is a new hope for documentation at Microsoft.

Note: This preview release of the website includes content *only* for Enterprise Mobility Documentation (which consists of Advanced Threat Analytics, Azure Active Directory, Azure Remote App, Multi-factor Authentication, Azure Rights Management, Intune, and Microsoft Identity Manager). In the future, as the platform matures with Microsoft will migrate more documentation.

To improve content readability, the site has a set content width. Eye tracking studies show that you can improve comprehension and reading speed with a set content width because it’s difficult for the eye to follow long passages when it has to also move left-to-right. The basis of newspaper columns. In response to user feedback Microsoft ahs also increased the font size to aid readability.

Another simple feature is to show the expected time to read an article.

Date stamps will help indicate how current is the material.

Content is refactored into logical groupings around: evaluating, getting started, planning, deploying, managing, or troubleshooting products or services.

Many longer articles are broken up into smaller logical steps with Previous and Next buttons at the bottom of articles to navigate between steps in a multi-part tutorial. For those who want to print off all the multi step information as one pdf its not available yet but is expected at a future release.

A new responsive layout is added for mobiles


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