Fast accurate year end close, streamlined budgets, Prophix CPM with dynamics Ax webinar

September 7th, 2016 by Leave a reply »

Stop relying on spreadsheets and start automating your budgeting, forecasting, and reporting. It is time to take your Dynamics ERP to the next level with a CPM (Corporate Performance Management) solution. Visualize real-time data to track your business’s performance in real-time.

Join this webinar to learn how your role in Finance can make better sense of the abundance of data from Dynamics and all other data sources (ex. CRM, HR System, etc.) to have a faster year end close and offer valuable insight into your company to make strategic decisions that boost financial performance.

The webinar will explore:

-How to integrate Dynamics and all other data sources
-How to supercharge Dynamics NAV/GP/AX with advanced budgeting, reporting and forecasting
-How to save time, money and resources by automating your budgeting process
-How to close out your year-end faster

See a live demo of Prophix CPM software in action.

Suprecharge Ax financial year end close with Prophix


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