Dynamics Ax – Post Implementation reviews, audits, health checks, performance tuning.

September 14th, 2016 by Leave a reply »

Synergy regularly undertakes reviews of Dynamics Ax projects, often to turnaround failing projects.

One of the benefits of a Dynamics AX Health Check service by Synergy Software Systems is that as an experienced and multi certified partner partner we see many different clients. Our long term relationships with Microsoft -since 1993 – and 14 years of working with Dynamics Ax -since v 2.5 Axapta gives us depth of relevant experience. We’re also on top of how Dynamics AX interacts with the Microsoft stack technology and we can leverage that experience and for our clients

We’ve of course see a wide variety of issues and situations but there are many common issues we can quickly pinpoint which means we can usually deliver quick wins.

As a consultant with more than 12 years of AX experience, and 30 plus years of erp experience across more than 40 countries I’ve come across many operational and technical challenges, that other people haven’t had the time or the opportunity to see. I spent my first year in consultancy devising a suite of audit methodologies, tools and checklists, and for several years was kept fully occupied with reviews of global company erp systems. So there are things that I would know to check in your system that may not be obvious and often a minor configuration policy change has significant impact on how a system per4forms in support of a business process.

Setting the standard

How do you know whether your system is running well, or as well as it should do? Who or what are you comparing against?
A consultant performing a Health Check will explore things like:
◾Are your batches running appropriately?
◾Have you allocated enough resources to that have?
◾Have you looked at your security within AX?
◾Have you looked at your event logs to see what is happening?
◾How are you deploying code?
◾ Are your licenses appropriate
◾ Is your system patching up to date
◾ What maintenance routines are in place?
◾ Are initial default settings no longer appropriate as the numbers of users or transactions and history data increases?
◾ Are there unused system features?
◾ Is there timely month end close?
◾ Does financial data reconcile tot he sub ledgers?
and much, much more.

What don’t you know?

There are many different areas that are reviewed during your Dynamics AX Health Check and it is meant to be more of an overall system-wide analysis, not just how is SQL doing or what are your queries doing?

All companies change over time, they open new branches, their staff changes, their customer base and products evolve. The regulatory and statutory requirements change, and technology offers new ways of working.

With a Health Check, another set of eyes will review and recommend. Sometime you are so close to a problem you can live with it and not notice how it is deteriorating.

Identify performance and operational risks, downtime. The true value of a Dynamics AX Health Check by an experienced resource is the potential for increased productivity from your team and a system that operates at maximum performance.

Learn more about a Dynamics AX Health Check or Performance review for your company.


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