Some recently updated advice for Dubai residents on travel, motoring etc.

September 29th, 2016 by Leave a reply »

Please Note that our Offices are closed on Sunday for Islamic New Year.

Travelling with children
In order to safe-guard against child abduction and trafficking, if your children have a different surname from you or are travelling with one parent then you may be asked to prove their identity. Plan ahead and ensure you have all the necessary documentation

Costs of leaving the UAE
If you are leaving the UAE you may need to budget to move your possessions. There are four things to consider when you move.

Debt in the UAE
Bouncing a cheque is illegal in the UAE. If a cheque is presented without adequate funds to cover the amount, you will face criminal and civil charges. After you have served your jail sentence you will not be able to leave the country until the funds have been paid in full. A recent article regarding unpaid bills can be viewed Here. The UAE Credit Bureau which opened in October 2015 has reportedly been successful in monitoring loans. See this recent news article:
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No more discount of traffic fines in Abu Dhabi
Since August 1, Abu Dhabi motorists no longer receive a 50 per cent discount on traffic fines. The discount, which was automatically applied when residents paid their fines, will not apply for any violations that are recorded from 1st August onwards, although the discount will stand for offences registered before that. Abu Dhabi Police said the decision aims to enhance road safety in the emirate.You can check out if you have any outstanding traffic fines by using these websites. Abu Dhabi and Dubai

UAE Travel Advice
The Foreign and Commonwealth Office recently updated Travel Advice for the UAE with reference to social media.
Posting material (including videos and photographs) online that is critical of companies or individuals, or related to incidents in the UAE, or appearing to abuse/ridicule the country or its authorities may be considered a crime punishable under UAE law. There have been cases of individuals being detained, prosecuted and/or convicted for posting this type of material.

Getting Married in the UAE
Are you are thinking of getting married in the UAE and need to know what documents are required from you and how to get them? Click here to see the revised web site for U.K. citizens.

Dubai Health Insurance
Health cover is now mandatory for all residents.

Pink parking for ladies
New pink and white parking spaces for ladies only have been introduced in Abu Dhabi. To find out their location click here:.
Men using these spaces may be fined or risk being towed away.

How to pass your test and get a UAE driving
If you are a UAE resident and are 18 years or over then you can apply for a UAE driving test. For more details of what is required Click here.
or here


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