VAT Phase 1 – open for registration.

March 20th, 2017 by Leave a reply »

An event aimed at all businesses to explain the rules of the new VAT system will cover the general application of the new VAT rules and will not focus on any specific industry sector.​ Several workshops are scheduled across the U.A.E.

Morning session
Time:09:00 AM-12:00 PM
Afternoon session Time: 02:00 PM-05:00 PM
Place: Please note that the exact venue details will be sent to you 72 hours before the event.

Similar events will be held on 18th and 30th April in Dubai.

An excise briefing will be held Excise Tax briefing. An event aimed at businesses involved in the import, production and sale of tobacco products, carbonated drinks and energy drinks to explain the rules of the new Excise Tax system , ​will be held 10 May in Dubai.

An event aimed at small and medium businesses to explain the rules of the new VAT system. The event will cover the general application of the new VAT rules and will not focus on any specific industry sector.​
Time:09:00 AM-12:00 PM

Similar session are planned for other Emirates details:


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