Dynmaics 365 Finance and Operations Enterprise 7.2 platform 12 on-premise enhancements

March 19th, 2018 by Leave a reply »

The much anticipated release of on-premises deployments of Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, Enterprise edition 7.2 with platform update 12 includes features that will enables you to keep your on-premises deployment up-to-date at cloud speed.

Major improvements in this release include:
• Apply Microsoft-released platform and application updates, and code customizations, to your environment post-deployment through Lifecycle Services (LCS) for on-premises customers.
• Infrastructure setup automation improvements that enable much faster setup for most common topologies.
• Optionally disable experiences that depend on internet connectivity on the client machine, even when the client is connected to the internet . To enable this via a simple configuration update from the application functionality, you must download KB 4091763 from LCS.

We also expect the release 7.3 and Data import/export framework (DIXF) for recurring integration support to be released soon.

As always, there may be some changes in the release schedule.


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