RPA_Robotic Process Automation in Dubai – contact UI Path Gold Partner, Synergy Software Systems

October 6th, 2019 by Leave a reply »

The automation first era is going to pose many challenges. An organization that is set up with the tools to transform, has the adaptability, flexibility, scalability and agility to continue to grow and succeed. The hype around digital transformation belies widespread, and often unspoken confusion on whether, why, when, and how to achieve it

In a recent poll by The Economist, 93% of business leaders said that digital transformation starts with automation. Going from that belief to transformation, however, is a path not many have yet clearly understood or articulated. To achieve digital transformation a major change management step is to establish an ‘automation first’ mindset. Whole established in manufacturing it is still a new paradigm for most ‘back office’ business processes. Most organizations recognize the potential of automation , but most are equally unsure about the next steps to leverage RPA to transformation their entire organization.

The good news is that you can start with one or two processes and scale later. There are always some areas of quick wins with clear short term ROI, low risk, that make life easier, reduce errors, and reduce costs, without major disruption that free up skilled staff to do more value added work.

Trusted by 60+ government agencies and thousands of commercial companies, the UiPath platform includes the security and audit capabilities you need to simplify compliance with the regulations that matter to your organisation. Indeed RPA provides greater data security and privacy protection than manual input.

In this year’s ranking of the top 100 private cloud companies in the world.Forbes moved UiPath to number 3, (up from 14th).
UiPath was also named a Leader in the 2019 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Robotic Process Automation Software.

UiPath’s extensible platform offers hundreds of built-in, customizable, shareable activities, plus deep integrations with the technologies you already use. Deploy and manage multiple varied processes from front-office to back-office, regardless of complexity.

UiPath Robots are learning new AI skills to automate more processes. Use out-of-the-box AI skills, source specialized AI skills from Synergy Software Systems, or let us help build your own AI skills. Seamlessly use these AI skills in your automations with UiPath drag-and-drop AI.

Synergy Software Systems is the most certified and fastest to achieve Ui Path Gold partner status in the region and we already have already completed many successful and diverse projects.

Transformation of the enterprise requires three primary automation strategies:
1. Build awareness and excitement to support growth
2. Extend automation to every person
3. Introduce and facilitate both a top-down and bottom-up automation first mindset

Make Robotic Process Automation (RPA) a first principle, to improve digital processes. Design automation strategies for each phase of growth and transformation, .

RPA deployment goes through three stages of evolution.

Early adopters automate processes across a few business units. Most of the work is done internally by each business unit.

In the second stage, process scale up, and businesses standardize their approach to automation. They consolidate best practices and facilitate the growth of a mature Center of Excellence (CoE).

In the third stage, ‘digital transformation;, employees have the freedom to automate tasks as necessary. Employees are empowered to find the most suitable processes to automate from the bottom up. This approach can be seen in many areas of digital technology. Microsoft for example talks of citizen developers. In the last 30 years office automation tools such as Word processing, spreadsheets, emails and so on have empowered employees to be more productive and more creative without depending on administrative or IT staff. The ability to write macros and to configure rather than code further enhanced productivity. RPA is the office productivity tool for Millenials and Generation Z employees.

The C-suite cultivates that engagement with an automation first mindset, and the CoE ensures proper deployment from the top down.

A1 Maturity model

The key to success after the scale up phase is for the automation strategies that both align with your business strategy and ensure your expanding scale is sustainable.

Automation will bring efficiency and productivity benefits as soon as you start deploying it, but the full potential is possible only when its part of your DNA.

1. Build the people power to support transformation. Early RPA success will create RPA champions and developers inside siloed business units.

Automating individual, isolated processes will give immediate efficiency improvements. However, having more effective business processes that scale sustainably and transforms the organisation needs company-wide buy-in.

For enterprise companies the focal point for the most effective centralized automation strategies is a Centre of Excellence (CoE). The CoE leads robot deployment and scaling. In some organizations it is called the Robotic Operations Center (ROC).A CoE centralizes governance policies and prioritizes automation requests. All automation decisions and policies flow through the CoE. The CoE serves both as a filter and as a support system, to ensure automation is prioritised and aligned to strategy, and is coordinated across companies processes and users, and is done the right way and is complaint with security privacy and other policies.

A CoE is at the core of your people power. Power is the ability to make decisions – all employees can make better business decisions with the right tools and information. Which custoomer should I visit, first, which production order, which lorry should I unload first…….. and that depends on timely accurate complete and comprehensible information. and the time, and the tools to process it. So, a transformed organization needs both diffused and centralized leadership

As you scale RPA, more than ever before your organization will need the business and IT units to work together. The C-suite provides the strategy, the policies and the leadership role. By the time the organization reaches the transform phase of growth, the C-suite considers one of its main goals to be spreading and facilitating automation beyond centralized planning. They recognize the savings and productivity benefits, and more important the potential opportunities and morale boost when staff are freed form routine tasks to focus quality time on higher value add tasks.

If you need to reduce costs now, or to make processes more robust and secure, and to start your digital transformation journey then contact us to learn more.

Synergy Software Systems is an Enterprise Solutions integrator that has implemented over a 1000 projects with Governments, Fortune 500 groups and regional groups and has the depth and breadth of technical and business skills, and soltuions to support you adopt the new technologies to compete in this fast changing digital world.
call us: 009714 3365589


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