Saturday 9 November will be a National Holiday, Synergy Software Systems offices will be closed

November 7th, 2019 by Leave a reply »

Saturday 9 November (12th of Rabi Al Awwal) will be a National Holiday to commemorate the birthday of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH). Synergy Software Systems offices in: Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Qatar will be closed.

Mohammad (PBUH) was an Arab religious, social and political leader and the founder of Islam. He was a prophet, sent to present and confirm the monotheistic teachings preached previously by Adam, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and other prophets. Muhammad (PBUH)united Arabia into a single Muslim polity, with the Quran as well as his teachings and practices forming the basis of Islamic religious belief.

The name Mohammad (PBUH )means “praiseworthy” and appears four times in the Quran. Mohammad’s birthday is celebrated as a major feast throughout the Islamic world,( excluding Wahhabi-influenced Saudi Arabia where these public celebrations are discouraged). When Muslims say or write the name of Muhammad (PBUH), they usually follow it with the Arabic phrase ṣallā llahu ʿalayhi wa-sallam (may God honor him and grant him peace) or the English phrase peace be upon him
In casual writing, the abbreviations SAW (for the Arabic phrase) or PBUH (for the English phrase) are sometimes used; in printed matter, a small calligraphic rendition is commonly used.


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