The Oman Tax Authority will launch a new tax card system from July 1, which will be the proof of the registration for any taxpayer from the tax Authority. The card will be issued for RO 10.
All ministries, public authorities and institutions, and companies, which has more than 40 percent holding by the state must request the taxpayer to submit a copy of the tax card when issuing any contracts, or directly undertaking any transaction with the taxpayer. The chairman of the Oman Tax Authority may impose a fine in the event of failure to obtain the tax card.
Every taxpayer must apply to obtain the tax card when initiating the incorporation or licensing procedures for practicing the activity or registration in the commercial or Industrial registry and shall request for renewal upon the end of the validity of the card.
The Tax card will replace the tax certificate currently in use at the Authority that is required by some government authorities, except in cases where the tax certificate Is requested for the purposes of canceling a commercial registry. dissolution, merging. or liquidation of any company.