End of life for versions 7.2, 7.3, 8.1 of Dynamics 365 Finance + Operations (on-premises) – call Synergy Software Systems

April 9th, 2021 by Leave a reply »

This is for all organisations who are running an out-of-date version of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance + Operations (on-premises) or that are maintaining respective environment slots and projects with an out-of-date version in Dynamics 365 Lifecycle Services (LCS). The lifecycle policy for this product contains the product versions which are no longer supported by Microsoft.

In the near future, Microsoft will retire those application and platform versions that have expired according to its lifecycle policy and will remove those from LCS. This will impact your organization because you will no longer be able to deploy or service the affected on-premises environments. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you upgrade to the latest release of Finance + Operations as soon as possible.

Outgoing versions of Finance + Operations require Azure Service Fabric version 6.x, which is already out of support. There is no guarantee that your Finance + Operations system will continue to function if you upgrade the Service Fabric version on the hosting system.

The following expired application releases will be removed by May 31, 2021: “July 2017” (7.2), 7.3, and 8.1.

We would like to help you get your environments up to date. If you would like to engage with us on the best way to move forward to help you get your environments up to date, please reach out!

Options:. We can help you to upgrade to the latest version of Finance + Operations (on-premises), or to transition to the online version of Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, or even to take advantage of the new hybrid topology for Supply Chain Management, which offers distributed workload execution in the cloud and on the edge.

For version 8.1, upgrading to the latest release is straightforward because that version includes the upgrade capability provided under the One Version initiative.

If your on-premises system is release 8.1 or earlier we strongly recommend that you act as soon as possible. :

  • Versions 7.2, 7.3, and 8.1 are long past their support lifetimes, so Microsoft is no longer obligated to support these. Be aware that Microsoft will not be able to produce hotfixes for 7.3 builds after May 2021. They are already unable to produce hotfixes for versions 7.2 and 8.1.
  • Platform updates after PU41 may not work with version 7.3 and before.

If an environment is no longer in use, please then delete the environment slot, or project from LCS to stop receiving expiration notices.

Let’s work together to bring you to a modern version of Dynamics 365!


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