Dynamics POS 2009 and RMS 2.0 end of life.

November 2nd, 2021 by Leave a reply »
Dynamics POS 2009
In 2015, Microsoft announced that Dynamics POS 2009 would no longer be available to new customers. Existing customers were able to purchase additional licenses until July 9, 2019. This serves as a final notice that Dynamics POS 2009 has been discontinued for existing customers.
Note that mainstream support for Microsoft Dynamics POS 2009 ended on July 8, 2014. For additional details, visit the Support Lifecycle Policy page. You can view the full announcement here.

Dynamics RMS 2.0
In July 2016, Microsoft announced that Dynamics RMS 2.0 would no longer be available to new customers. Existing customers were able to purchase additional licenses until July 13, 2021. This serves as a final notice that Dynamics RMS 2.0 has been discontinued for existing customers.
Mainstream support for Microsoft Dynamics RMS 2.0 ended on July 10, 2016.  For additional details, visit the Support Lifecycle Policy page. You can view the full announcement here.

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