Server 2016 Service Pack 3.

January 29th, 2022 by Leave a reply »

2016 was the last version of SQL to have Service Packs, since then Microsoft only ships Cumulative Updates.

Previously Microsoft has used a ‘last Service Pack’ when it closes off support for a version.

Long term support is only available for the last Service Pack for a product.

2016 SP2 only gets support until October 11, 2022, whereas support for the new SP3 will continue to 2026.

This makes support simpler for Microsoft which doesn’t have to deal with a wide variety of builds for older versions (is 2016 really that much older?) – “If you want help, then you need to be on build 13.0.6300.2.”

So apart from the fixes (see the KB article), the key point takeaway is that for long term support, ensure to patch all of your 2016 instances very soon. Its likely this will be the last SQL Server patch you’ll ever have to apply unless there is a critical security threat.

SQL Server 2016 isn’t dead , but Microsoft is already thinking about its retirement party and the gold watch for its services.


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