This video guides you through the minimal steps necessary to get started quickly in creating a chatbot with expanded natural language capabilities inside of Business Central. Copilot provides AI-powered writing assistance for Business Central users responsible authoring marketing text (product descriptions) on items sold in online shops, like Shopify. With the click of a button, Copilot generates text that’s engaging, creative, and highlights key attributes of the specific item. With a bit of reviewing and editing, it’s ready to publish. Copilot in Dynamics 365 Business Central help small and medium-sized businesses to bring new products to market faster by producing AI-generated product descriptions.
Archive for May, 2023
Co-Pilot and Business Central ask Synergy Software Systems
May 23rd, 2023Corporate Tax Explanatory Guide
May 17th, 2023The UAE Ministry of Finance recently issued an Explanatory Guide for Federal Decree-Law No. 47 of 2022 on the Taxation of Corporations and Businesses (the “Corporate Tax Law”. The Guide provides detailed explanation of each article, the intended purpose of the provisions of the Corporate Tax Law and the executive decisions issued for its implementation.
The Guide explains the policies related to the Corporate Tax regime in the State, based on which the provisions of the Corporate Tax Law were formulated.
FINAL-CT-Guide-English-12.5.23.pdf (
The Guide will assist in understanding the legal provisions and improve the Corporate Tax Law’s readability by companies, businesses and individuals undertaking a business or business activity.
The Guide may be referred to when interpreting the provisions of the Corporate Tax Law and shall be used as a reference guide to understand the provisions and scope of application of the Corporate Tax Law and assist businesses in understanding the tax rules, conditions and obligations through providing some examples that are intended to simplify tax terminologies.
The Explanatory Guide must be read in conjunction with the Corporate Tax Law and the relevant decisions issued by the Cabinet, the Ministry of Finance, and the Federal Tax Authority for the purposes of applying some provisions of the Corporate Tax Law. The Guide is not, and is not meant to be, a comprehensive description of the Corporate Tax Law and its implementing decisions. The latest version of the Guide will be made available on the website of the Ministry of Finance as well as the website of the Federal Tax Authority.
There are helpful FAQs here: Corporate Tax FAQ – Ministry of Finance – United Arab Emirates (
Corporate tax registration
May 15th, 2023The UAE’s Federal Tax Authority (FTA) has launched the tax registration for public joint stock companies and private companies to start from Monday, May 15th. Registration will be available through the EmaraTax digital tax services platform. The FTA will send invitations to register using EmaraTax to these chosen organizations via email and SMS.
Taxable people must register and obtain a tax registration number for corporate tax purposes. The FTA noted that this round will not yet cover free zone people, adding that further announcements will be made when registration opens to them at a later stage.
Taxable people will be subject to corporate tax from the financial year that begins on or after June 1st, 2023. When registration opens, the FTA said the authorities will provide firms and companies enough time to register and comply with legal requirements. Priority will be given to organizations and corporations whose fiscal year begins on June 1st