Data Leakage

November 9th, 2009 by Stephen Jones Leave a reply »

Most companies have security systems in place to protect information from malicious destruction or loss due to a catastrophic event such as a fire or other natural disaster,.

Few have effective protections in place against the more common security breaches due to process gaps and related mistakes made by a company’s own employees. Research indicates that 4 out of 5 successful breaches of company data security come from the inside – “data leakage”.

An errant memo or an inappropriate e-mail attachment can lead to loss of proprietary or competitive information, expose your organization to risk or lead to increased competition or loss of certain contracts.

In some cases, regulatory or legal rules govern who can see what information.

Our data leakage protection solution is simple, easy to administer and automatic. No matter who receives a file – even personnel inside the organization – only those authorised can see the content..

This security solution  is a major advancement in the level of security brought to your IT infrastructure with an easy-to-implement and seamless system that is transparent to the end-user but still offers unprecedented protection through compulsory compliance and state-of-the-art encryption.

While our solution has a solid foundation rooted in the cryptography credentials of our vendor, the real strength of the product is that it is always in place and working to protect your data. Most employees don’t even know that data is being encrypted or decrypted while they open and close files – unless you tell them, or they try to access information to which they are not authorized. Best of all it’s simple to deploy and economical.

In many other regions Data Protection Acts legally limit who can hold what data and who can have access .  Sarbanes Oxley, Basel II,  ITIL, and other standards or compliance legislation affect international companies in all regions.  

For good reasons there have been spectacular data losses and compliance enforcement is difficult.

 Ensure that your plans, prices, formulas, contracts cannot just be emailed out of the company

Protect budgets, forecasts, payslips,

Secure sensitive and confidential personnel information:  contact data, personal medical and financial data, references, credit card details.  

HIPAA security regulations down to basic patient/physician confidentiality; protecting the data stored by a health care provider is increasingly important.

In 2008 the average cost of a data breach was $6.6 million (which equates to $202 per record).
Ponemon Institute



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