Archive for the ‘Mind Map’ category

Mindjet news- simpler more powerful more available

September 26th, 2012

Last year we launched our Collaborative Work Management software, designed to close this gap by bridging ideas and execution. This combination of products dramatically improved how people worked together, accomplished goals and managed their productivity. It was a big hit. And just this week, you made us the Stevies “People’s Choice” winner in the collaboration software category. Thank you.

Because of your feedback, we’ve been busy delivering products that extend our capabilities to mobile devices, on-premise solutions and multiple platforms. While these extensions have succeeded in adding even more value, there is such a thing as having too much of a good thing.

You’ve told us that you want a simpler, more powerful, more available solution – and we’ve listened.

Today, everything we’ve worked on comes together. Moving forward, all of our products (Mindjet Connect, MindManager and Mobile) are integrated into one offering, simply called Mindjet. The latest Mindjet is at one price. Available on virtually every platform and device.

The new Mindjet also includes features such as advanced project budgeting and planning within maps, task syncing to our cloud as well as on premise software, and custom workspace design to place favourite commands in a personalised home tab. It’s the most powerful, useful and accessible Mindjet to date.

You can upgrade or learn more about the new Mindjet offering, including our latest desktop version,. If you are a Mac user please look out for a special offer coming soon.

Our company was founded on one idea. That idea was you. We create products so that you can build up on your best ideas to become more successful. Our goal has always been to deliver upon that promise.

To do this we need your continued support. Let us know how we are doing. Together we can build a great future with even more exciting news to come.

Scott Raskin

The new Mindjet

As of September 20th, 2012, MindManager for Windows and Mac, as well as Mindjet Connect and Mindjet Connect SP editing capabilities, are  part of an integrated subscription simply called “Mindjet“. Mindjet is sold via subscription so that customers will always have the most current version of Mindjet software and automatically receive a continuous flow of improvements.

For a limited time, current MindManager customers can buy both the latest version of our desktop software and a full Mindjet subscription, all at one low upgrade price.

Mindjet includes:
  • Mindjet for Windows (v11), which replaces MindManager 2012)
  • Mindjet for Mac (v10), which replaces MindManager v9 for Mac)
  • Mindjet web (formerly Mindjet Connect and Connect SP editor)
  • Note: to use Mindjet web capabilities in SharePoint environments requires Mindjet on-premise (formerly called Connect SP server)
  • Connectivity with Mindjet mobile apps via Mindjet web.
  • Note: To use Connect SP editing capabilities you need to have the Mindjet on-premise server application (purchased separately).

Mindjet – very special prices for September 2012

September 3rd, 2012

Mindjet Products

At the end of September 2012, Mindjet MindManager will be changing to a new all inclusive, lower cost, subscription model that will give you access to Mindjet products and services across a range of popular platforms.
Benefit from change, but be quick!
There are a range of options open right now that enable some great savings, but the window is closing.

Quick summary for existing users:

  • You are being not forced to upgrade,
  • No loss of functionality or support will occur after the change to software you already own,
  • If you want to upgrade from an older version or buy new, now is the best time to do that because the prices are lower and you will get 12 months of extra services free.
  • All new licenses or upgrades are guaranteed a fixed perpetual license after the change, as well as the new services free for 12 months to try.All existing licenses are also fixed and perpetual, they will not expire,
  • Moving forward Mindjet products will be subscription based, with a low monthly cost as opposed to higher fixed costs and recurring upgrade fees. Again, if you already own desktop versions these will remain intact and there is no requirement to upgrade or change your service if you do not wish to. Any new purchases after the change will be via the subscription model.
Why the change?
Mindjet subscription has several key advantages:

  • It lowers the entry cost for new users,
  • Rather than one fixed device per license – users have the freedom to access Mindjet across a broad range of platforms at a single price (PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad and Android),
  • It provides a stable price expectation for existing users rather than higher fixed purchase costs and then $200-300 upgrade costs at random intervals,
  • It ensures business and individuals can make stable cost forecasts while knowing they will always have the latest version,
  • It provides flexibility for users only needing the service for a limited period,
  • It ensures the long term sustainable development of the software.

GCC Projects – Project Management software solutions – Synergy Software Systems Dubai

July 8th, 2012

There multiple projects costing $ billions /millions in this region.  

There are many considerations  run a  successful project:

Manpower varies project by project and the number of concurrent projects also varies . SaaS  licensing can be very advantageous in this case. Vary the number of licences you need by month, only pay for hardware usage based on the number of users and amount of data storage needed month to month.  No time delay for new servers for a new project, no wasted licences or hadware capacity when the project is over – predictable costs that are easily identified to charge to project.

Managing the process from lead to opportunity to quote to estimate to budget, forecast etc

RFQ, PR, PO MR approvals, many other document centric workflow approvals

Planning – high level phasing , detailed WBS, resource scheduling, programme management,

Risk management

Secure Collaboration – projects are a paper factory of multiple commericalcontracts, insurance, certifications, with the need for  version control, expiry dates, document approval workflows, digital signature, fast search across and within contracts

QA , inspection, incidents  and investigation 

Budgeting, consolidation and financial compliance

Grant and fund management

Timesheets, access control at site, payroll across countries, multi shift, sub-contractor labour, mobile between project.

Project stores and inventory control. Capital projects, Rental,Asset tracking, Mobiel and bar code solutions

Reporting and dashboards

Our Software solutions help you better manage all these areas

BIM integrated model for design, estimation, control and planning

Mind mapping for high level plans that export direct to MS Project, use for lessons learned, PESTEL risk analysis, meeting agendas, project team strucutre and many more uses for project managers

Dynamics CRM  track future projects and meetings with influencers that create the specifications, track opportunties and quotes through user defined stages, also maintain details of meetings and contacts with vendors, subcontractors, financial and legal advisors , government  contacts, auditors, H@S inspectors etc. Mobile options SaaS options

Dynamics Ax incudes a full PSA features, advanced project management accounting, grant and fund management, integration to MS Project, and additonal module options for construction projects Advanced multi company financials, make and buy to project options, integrted workflow engine for RFQ, PR etc, advanced mrp, HR, resource scheduling, Service module , case managmeent, QA module, multi company process, eg intercompany journals, orders, cosnildiated requsitoons and central pruchaisng, centralised productionplanning across companies etc. Mobil and SaaS options

Confidential secure document storage and collaboration workspaces are required for most projects  so that material can be accessed by multiple, authorised stakeholders from many locations. Whether an M&A project, a new product launch, a prestige new building design, an exhibition or event, a commercial tender or  a feasibility study all need secure storage authorised collaborative access,version control, ease and speed of search, controls on: who can see what, who can copy and print, who can approve what.

Digital signatures with documemt workflow speed up decision making processes and reduce risk of fraud. Mulitple signatories each approving a  specific  segments of a document, the ability to mass sign every page of a document, or to sign multiple POs at one go,   in built version control and audit features are soem of the features that help auotmate process while increasing control.

Fixed asset depreciation only buy the licences you need for the FA users- works with most erp systems and is much easier, more functional and more cost effective very easy flexble aquistion,  depreciation and disposal .  Optional modules for Asset tagging, counting and tracking, capitalise asset projects, planned asset maintenance. Ask about our asset tagging, and take-on and annual count  service.

Detailed consolidation, budgetting, forecasting and planning – many feature – top down bottom up, based on prior priod seasonality and % change etc  Built in dashboards and ad hoc what if querying, reforecast, period on period comparison by multiple dimensions, KPIs ,  etc. Use SSRS and Poer Pivot for further analysis and reporting.

Construction companies often have  a multitude of legacy solutions to integrate our  specialist mapping tool makes this easy especially when there are system upgrades.

When you have thousands of workers at site, who may be deploye dot dfferent tasks accessed via different entrance gates  you need a robust access controland T@A system that can hold all the  templates and share the across the network,-  that means a very small file size- per worker, at shift chage over there is little time so   that needs a very fast device with low rate of false reading.  Devices need to work when labourers have cut fingers, dirty hands. Devices need to be easy to use, to not lose transactions in a power cut, to hold staff rostas and to integrate with Payroll systems. only the Ingersoll Rand Hand Punch and the Interflex Software can provide all those features, which is why it is used by  large airlines, ports, event organisers like the Olympics, of football stadiums, and those with complex shifts and 24×7 opertions like hospitals, retail stores, and hotels. Devices can be installedon buses so workers can clock in  as they leave the bus, or mobile gate units  can be installed at sites. 

Paryroll and HR systems become useful when you have mote than 50 employees  nn to have when you have more than 100 employees and essential when you are dealing with thousands of employees.  Tracking employyee accrused benefits across projects and countries with timesheet integration, for mutiple benefts and deductions, multiple shift patterns, and different treatment by grade, nationality etc needs both experienced implementors, and a powerful payroll engine that can handle multiple languages and currencies.

Enterprise Project Management (EPM) is the latest release of Micorsft Project Server and now sits on SharePoint. If you are supporting multiple proejcts e.g roll-out out of a chain of retail stores or hotels , then each site will have multiple projects, from construction, to fit out, to multiple software projects.

To discuss your requirement and learn more about how our solutions will  help youmange your  projects please contact us. 0097143365589

Data Visualistion – Dubai needs Mind maps and Dashboards

May 19th, 2012

 The human brain doesn’t work like a filing system and isn’t good at multi-tasking for some time now, and  we should be looking for a better way of working that suits the way the mind naturally works.

Multi-tasking is fine if you don’t care very much about any task. “So tweet while you’re watching TV, listen to podcasts while doing the laundry…But — and this is a big but — you cannot do two things at once if you care much about either task. People are often amazed to find they can write an entire white paper during a 3-hour flight, but it takes them all day at the office. Yep, because there’s Internet access at the office! You truly will get more done if you create blocks of time for the different priorities in your life.” Laura Vanderkam, author of a time management book called 168 Hours. She blames our ability to log on to the world 24/7 for growing feelings of frenzy and agitation.

Mindlab International at The Sussex Innovation Centre,carrie dout a studythat  looked into how office workers manage existing data through traditional software and what developments could be made to impact on the efficiency of how it was managed.

Throughout the last few decades , the amount of data we have to process has increased substantially. We’ve made very little movement forward to help our brains to cope with such a huge influx.

 In the last 150,000 years, our brain’s structure has developed minimally,  yet we’re still expect o cope with more and more , and increasingly complex: documents, spreadsheets, databases, e-mails, social resources, specialist software and much more.

The research suggests:

  • When carrying out routine, everyday tasks in the office, that when  the data is displayed more visually, such as through visual maps, individuals are 17% more productive and need to use 20% less mental resources.
  • What’s more, teams collaborating on a joint project use 10% less mental resources and are a whole 8% more productive when using visualisation tools.

So if we need to use such a lot less mental resources  to deal with the same information once displayed in a more visual way, and we’re able to deal with a greater amount of information in a successful and effective manner, then this instantly increases our efficiency levels.

We are told a picture is worth a thousand words,and we’re virtually drowning in words ( information overload!) so companies should be jumping at the chance to condense data visually with mind maps and dashboards. That is why tools like Dundas Dashboards and Mind Manager  are used by many of the world’s leading companies.

 In an article from O’reilly Radar by Julie Steele, she writes that when it comes to data visualization they can be “at best confusing, and at worst misleading. But the good ones are an absolute revelation…The best data visualizations are ones that expose something new about the underlying patters and relationships contained within the data” . The real power of data visualization is both interesting and engaging,.Help the readerto  easily understand the information, while  presenting it in an entertaining and engaging manner .

iPhone® app for Mindjet Connect® Action for Dubai

May 19th, 2012
Did you know that there is an iPhone® app for Mindjet Connect® Action? There is and it’s free!

Mindjet Action for iPhone allows you to manage all of your tasks anytime, anywhere. Mindjet Action gives you the ability to create, review and share tasks, create and edit comments and more, all from your iPhone. 

Merger and Acquistion – M@A – Dubai ll

May 6th, 2012

How do you evaaluate an opportunity?

  • SWOT analysis
  • Brain storming

How do you present the idea to others?

  • Strategey maps

How do you provide context relevant information?

  • Shapes, colours and icons
  • Embedded files and hypelrinks

How do youplan to  make it happen and assign responsibility and timelines without losing the big picture?

  • Pictorial project plan with element properties linked to MS project

How do you support collaboration across tiemzones and geographies and disciplines, and numerous documents?

  • Integrate all of these tools with your M@A trading paltform and your document repository
  • Integrate with BPM tools with electornic notifcations approvals and workflows

How do you create agendas and keep meetings on track and capture minutes onw ide ranging discussions?


How do you make it happen on time?

All of the above –  but how?

Take a look at Mind Manager – easy to use, fast to deploy, and multiple applications.

MindManager – Power markers – special offer

April 28th, 2011

MindManager is often used to create dashboard and project plan maps that contain many levels of detail specifying action items, resources, and due dates. Especially when used to manage team activities, these maps can become complex.

 Power Markers is an add-on for MindManager 8 and 9 for Windows that generates real time lists to help you quickly assess priorities, identify upcoming deadlines, and navigate large maps.Power Markers generates a complementary list view of MindManager maps organized by your tags, markers and topic colors to help you quickly find essential information and navigate larger maps with ease.

View relevant topics in the Hot List task pane. Power Markers automatically groups your map topics into categories based on their markers

  • Use pre-defined automatic markers that are applied or removed based on a specific condition, such as due date
  • Define markers directly on the map using “active legends” map parts and save your own custom marker sets for use on other maps
  • Easily create a SWOT analysis list in the hot list pane by using markers to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, regardless of their location in the map
  • Get started easily using pre-built templates and map parts
  • Mindjet Power Markers is available in English and is compatible with MindManager Versions 8 and 9 for Windows.

    Take advantage of our introductory offer reduced from $79 per user to $59  (but be quick)

    MindManager – what is it?

    March 13th, 2011

    Conquer information overload, simplify project planning and communicate more clearly with MindManager software.

    MindManager’s visual information maps (mind maps) start with a central theme, and then add branches with ideas, notes, images, tasks, hyperlinks and attachments. Easily import from, or export to, Microsoft Office. Use MindManager maps to capture and organize information, and you’ll quickly transform your thoughts and ideas into fine-tuned documents, compelling presentations and winning strategies. MindManager gives you with a better way to brainstorm, organize facts, plan projects, and communicate results.

    The goal is to provide a free-flowing chart, making even the most complex goals visible. This is accomplished through a flexible set of tools to map agendas, priorities, people working on the project, deadlines, and more, all with the ability to update and change.

     What’s new?: Version 9.0 uses dramatically fewer system resources; adds project Gantt chart & resource planning, slide presentations, dynamic outlook dashboards, WYSIWYG printing, image & icon library

    Lotus NotesLinker 3.9 Pro and MindManager 9 for Windows

    February 14th, 2011

    NotesLinker from Spirit Education and MindManager from Mindjet make it possible to work simply and visually with Lotus Notes® and MindManager. The right combination of products from two different worlds makes technology more efficient.

    • MindManager Version 9 for Windows (new license or upgrade license) from Mindjet
    • MindManager Version 9 Add-In: NotesLinker 3.9 Pro (new license) from Spirit Education

    Target audience: MindManager users who also work with Lotus Notes®; customers who would like to upgrade to MindManager Version 9 and new MindManager customers.

    Ask for detials: Call Pankaj: 00971 43365589

    Mind Manager Offer till end November 2010

    November 8th, 2010

    Mindjet is offering all  customers who purchase 5 or more MindManager Version 9 licences with MSA by 30 November 2010 a free Home Use License.

    • The Home Use License allows customers to enable their employees to also use MindManager at home.
    • Eligible customers must request their Home Use License by 30 November 2010 or within 30 days purchase.
    • MindManager 8 for Mac is also available as a Home Use License.

     Call us on 00971 43365589


    Offer timeframe: until 30 November 2010