Archive for the ‘Office tips’ category


December 9th, 2009

Year-end – a perfect time to roll into the office late, leisurely grab a second cup of coffee, and finally enjoy a slowdown on the help desk. With so many holidays, staff burning additional vacation, and year-end shutdowns, the IT department can finally catch its breath, right?

With large numbers of employees out of the office, this is a prime opportunity to get a little housekeeping in order.

Here are 10 best year-end technology practices businesses tofollow to ensure systems and data are properly maintained.

1: Restore backups to confirm proper operation
You run backup operations every day but are those backups completing properly? The media upon which they’re stored — is it dependable?
Gartner is routinely quoted as saying that as many as 71% of tape recoveries fail.
Recover backups to test systems to confirm that the appropriate data is being backed up and that the backup media enable recovering the data properly.

2: Review disk image inventory and status
If your organization deploys workstations or servers using disk images or leverages disk images as backups, confirm that those images are current.
Test redeploying disk images to nonproduction systems to make sure those enable proper deployment or recovery and make adjustments for any new hardware or software applications introduced during the past year.

3: Physically examine and clean servers and pcs
Depending upon the physical environment, laptops, desktop pcs, and servers can become contaminated with dust, dirt, and debris.
Open systems and remove dust and dirt from the intake and exhaust vents, cpu fans, cooling sinks, and the like. Use a special electronics vacuum, as canned air often just blows contaminants deeper into fans, heat sinks, and other components.
Check for physical damage of cables, plugs, casing cracks etc
Hygiene cleaning of keyboards, phones etc

4: Clean up, and Defragment hard disks
Possibly the most tiresome task it professionals complete, even in the age of supposedly self-defragmenting operating systems, is defragmenting hard disks.
Laptops, desktops, and servers all require regular defragmentation, especially if you want to prolong disk life and maximize performance. Consider deploying a third-party utility or writing custom scripts to schedule defragmentation routines during off hours.
Either way, any good year-end maintenance checklist requires confirming that disks are properly defragmented.
But back up first just in case!

Also a good time to:
• clean up useless registry entries
• delete unwanted cookies
• delete temp files
• clear old event logs
• empty recycle bins
• delete unauthorised software
• update white lists
• archive old mails, delete old mails, especially those with large attachments (Ask us about Exclaimer products)

5: Audit software licenses and media
When failures or disasters occur, the biggest obstacle to quick recovery is the inability to locate license keys, registration codes, and installation media.
All small and midsize businesses should regularly audit application licenses and installation software site-wide, including all branch and remote locations. Confirm that all license information and installation media are safely stored in a secure location.
Check for patches, serialisation renewal dates, support agreement renewals.

6: Perform network stress tests
Over time, employees and departments install or deploy additional workstations, systems, and even networks.
It’s not uncommon to find a single ethernet drop with eight additional workstations via a network hub or switch.
Year-end provides a great opportunity to test networks for problems. Several network tools are available,.
On a more simple scale, perform rolling ping (ping -t) checks to make sure workstations aren’t dropping packets when connecting both to local servers and wan-side sites.
Such sustained tests help confirm proper physical cabling, eliminate nic issues, and verify routers, switches, and other network equipment is performing properly.

7: Audit user accounts
Human resources and information technology departments get busy.
Various projects and initiatives arise throughout the year.
Occasionally, users may leave the organization without word getting back to the it department.
Schedule a quick meeting with an administrative staff member who can provide an accurate list of current employees and authorized contractors
Crosscheck that list against the user accounts listed within active directory (or your organization’s equivalent user database) to confirm that no user accounts exist for staff who have left the organization.
Kill accounts that are no longer required.
Review need for password changes.

8: Confirm equipment inventory
Perform a physical count of hardware assets. Build a detailed inventory.
Catalogue network devices, laptops, desktops, servers, and other equipment your department is tasked with managing. Include printers, monitors and similar peripherals within the asset list you build.
Finally, compare the asset list to the prior year’s inventory. Compensate for decommissioned or newly purchased equipment and confirm all organization assets are accounted for properly.
(Our Asset tracker solution is an ideal tool )

9: Clean printers
Printers are the workhorse of many businesses, yet the only maintenance many network printers receive is toner cartridge replacement.
Visit all network printers. Vacuum those of loose toner, clear exhaust vents of dust and debris to ensure proper cooling, and consider running specially formulated cleaning pages to help clean internal components.
You can also perform other laser printer cleaning, such as using toner cloth to clean printer cartridges.

10: Plan and organise
Get organized. The start of a new year is just around the corner and you’re going to get to do it all over again.
Check your serialisation updates, your support agreement renewals
Plan and agree the new year system outages well in advance and communicate these – hardware and software upgrades and installs, audits, maintenance and tests,
What IT policies and procedures need update?
What training is needed for end the IT staff and users?
Which exhibitions will you attend?
Which new technology do you need to consider? Cloud, SAAS, SOA, VOIP, Unified messaging, Mobility, RFID, virtualisation , low energy, collaboration tools, endpoint security, data encryption ??
What upgrades may be needed – office, sql, windows anti-virus??


November 18th, 2009

The new name for Project Gemini is PowerPivot and the official names are PowerPivot for Excel and PowerPivot for SharePoint. For information and to sign up for notification on the release dates, check out the official PowerPivot web site at
What will be confusing for Ax users is the extension to the Excel formula language is now called DAX which lets you do things in pivot tables not previously possible.

Quickly add multiple hyperlinks to Outlook email message

November 9th, 2009

  Outlook Hyperlinks

To insert hyperlinks to multiple files, instead of using the Insert-> Hyperlink feature in Outlook,  browse to the file/folder in Explorer. Select the file(s)/folder and to create hyperlinks  use the right mouse button menu option to drag and drop the items into the  new message.


When you drop these you get the option to insert it as a hyperlink.


Saves a lot of clicks and browsing