Synergy Software Systems
P.O.Box 7780
303, Al Khaleej Building, Karama
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

+971 4 3374282
+971 4 3365589
+971 4 3379885

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AssetCo Data Solutions - Global Emergency Services

AssetCo Data Solutions is a leading provider of fully integrated, mission critical software applications to the UK public sector and global emergency services markets, providing and supporting them with:

Command and Control

To be able to monitor and administer from a centralised control room.

Computer Aided Dispatch

To send mssgs back and forth to the dispatchee via a mobile data terminal (MDT) with help of automation.

Patient Transport Systems

AssetCo Data Solutions expertise in Patient Transport Systems solutions includes the whole specialist area of non-emergency patient transport. AssetCo can provide a wide range of consultancy and project management support skills using Prince2 trained staff.

Mobile Data and Management Information System Solutions

MODAS is a mobile data solution which empowers operational personnel to have information where they need it, and when they need it, typically in the vehicle. Crews can access up-to-date information, such as Risk Data, Hydrant Data, GIS and HAZCHEM Data.

Clients of AssetCo:

  • UK Fire & Rescue Services.
  • Post Trust Merger UK NHS Ambulance Trusts.
  • International Ambulance Associations.
  • NHS Hospitals.
  • County Councils.
  • UK Private Ambulance Services.