Synergy Software Systems
P.O.Box 7780
303, Al Khaleej Building, Karama
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

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VTUK :: Taurus - Process Management Software

Taurus - Business Process Management in broad terms is the automation of those employee activities that either cost the company valuable time and money or are business critical to the success of the company and cannot be missed. All businesses today are dependent on people extracting, formatting and distributing business information from business applications. Yet, people have physical limitations; they are prone to illness and unfortunately make mistakes.

Business Process Management technology in the form of Taurus is VTUK’s response to the problems created by employee-dependant applications. Directors, managers, suppliers and customers expect instant responses to real-time commercial interactions and business process management technology leverages all the organisation's I.T. systems by creating a real-time, responsive infrastructure.

How Does BPM Work ?!...

Business Process Management Software works by "loosely coupling" with a company's existing applications which enables it to monitor, extract, format and distribute information to systems and people; in line with business events or rules.

By leveraging the processes and information of existing applications, automated business processes can be configured and re-configured without having to alter the underlying structure of a company's applications. Workflow merely uses these applications as information services and workflow trigger points.

Creating or re-creating an automated business process is achieved via any PC on which Workflow is installed through its intuitive and logical Graphical User Interface (GUI). This GUI enables an administrator to automate common employee-driven processes, such as creating and sending end-of-week sales reports, by simply dragging and dropping Tools into a sequence that emulates the employee process, i.e. Schedule Tool, ODBC Tool, Run Crystal Tool, and Send SMTP Tool.

Through automating repetitive employees business processes, such as report creation and distribution or the monitoring of or reporting on company KPI's, TaskCentre reduces your operational costs and frees-up employees to concentrate on activities that are important to the success of your business.

Companies are now strategically automating their critical business processes to increase productivity, save time and reduce costs.

  • Stronger Revenue Streams.
  • Operational Savings.
  • Reduction in the Administration involved with Compliance and ISO Activities.
  • Greater Company Agility.
  • Higher Customer Satisfaction Levels.
  • Freeing-up of Employee Time.
  • Eradication of Data Entry Errors.
  • Critical Failure Avoidance.